Protecting Your Innovation
Intellectual Property
我们将努力评估可能可用的知识产权类型,并确定创新是否可获得专利. 我们还将评估商业潜力,以确定是否存在市场, what competition exists, 以及这项创新是否准备好商业化.
We will keep you informed every step of the way, 因为我们相信创造者参与到这个过程中是很重要的,因为没有人比创造者更了解创新. 如果您想了解更多信息,请阅读我们的知识产权所有权政策概述. If you would like assistance filling out the form, 请mgdc赌场的办公室,我们将为您解决任何问题.
The Commercialization Process
1: Research
mg赌场dc007活动中的观察和实验往往会带来发现, innovations, and inventions. It can sometimes be difficult to identify which part of a complex research effort might constitute an innovation; therefore, it is important to keep good, mg赌场dc007活动的可靠实验室记录. Remember, before sharing the results of any research, or publishing, it is important to ask Enterprise & 创新文件或公开内容是否包含任何可以申请专利的创新, 因为专利权可以在出版或展示时丧失. Enterprise & 创新永远不会要求您延迟发布或展示-我们的工作将基于您的时间表.
2: Innovation disclosure
创新披露是企业提供的机密文件 & 创新与你的创新的基本信息. Once we have received your disclosure, 我们办公室的人会联系你,开始办理手续. 在大学社区以外的任何技术披露之前,应提交创新披露. Submit your innovation disclosure form at
3: Intellectual property assessment
Enterprise & 创新将进行评估,以确定是否需要知识产权保护以使创新商业化. 这包括对创新披露的回顾和对市场的mg赌场dc007, competitive technologies and prior art.
4: Protection
Based on the assessment, Enterprise & 创新将决定它是否会申请专利保护. When appropriate, 根据《mgdc赌场》,大学可以利用版权或商标权将大学的创新成果或作者的作品商业化,507: Intellectual Property Policy.
5: Commercialization assessment
We aim to maximize the impact and reach of your work. Enterprise & 创新将评估您的创新的全球市场潜力,并评估与行业领先公司的区域到国际机会, entrepreneurs and investors.
6: Spin-out or partnership
Depending on the innovation, Enterprise & 创新将帮助你确定第六步的路线.
- Start a spin-out company
- Find a partner to license the innovation
6a: Start a company
某些技术和创新可能最适合分拆公司-专门为开发大学内部产生的技术而成立的新公司. 衍生产品可能包括创始mg赌场dc007人员的直接参与.
6b: Find a partner
某些技术和创新可能最适合与现有公司建立许可合作关系. Enterprise & Innovation will conduct market research, develop a list of market contacts, 与mg赌场dc007人员协调,吸引潜在的被许可人.
7: Licensing
营销活动可能导致一个或多个潜在合作伙伴对技术和市场机会进行深入mg赌场dc007. If a prospect wants to license a technology, 他们将提交一份商业化计划,并与企业谈判商业条款 & Innovation. From there, our office prepares a formal agreement draft, negotiates and ultimately executes the license.
8: Revenue
9: Relationship management
Once a license agreement has been completed, 被许可方将根据许可协议的条款继续开发创新产品或服务. Throughout the duration of the agreement, Enterprise & 创新将监督持牌人的进展,以核实他们是否遵守了自己的义务,并确保收取和分配相应的特许权使用费.